Divorce Blog

When You Know Divorce is Your Next Step, It Can Help To Know The First Steps

When you’ve made the difficult decision that divorce is the option that will be in your best interests, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed. But understanding the components of the divorce process may help you find some peace of mind.  This infographic details the steps involved in commencing an action for divorce. Contact Divorce Lawyer in Albany NY today!

When You Know Divorce is Your Next Step, It Can Help To Know The First Steps Infographic
Title Divorce in New York and HOW TO BEGIN
1 Summons Verified Complaint
The usual first step after choosing your attorney is to prepare and file a Summons and Verified Complaint You are the Plaintiffs if you are the one commencing the Action
2 Whats Included
Within the Summons and Verified Complaint is the demand for divorce grounds or reason you claim you are entitled to divorce all relief youre seeking including custody child support spousal support and equitable distribution of marital assets and liabilities
3 Signature Required
A verified pleading such as the Complaint is signed by the pleading party sweating to the truth of the contents
4 File with the County Clerk
Summons and Verified Complaint is filed in the County Clerks office where you or your spouse lives A unique index number is issued to your Action to identify your case Documents filed are date stamped
5 Serving Papers
Summons and Verified Complaint is personally served upon your spouse Defendant It must be directly handed to your spouse commonly by a professional process server Defendant may also pick up papers from your attorney
In New York State anyone over 18 may serve papers except the Plaintiff
Upon completion of all steps your Action for Divorce will be officially commenced Our experienced attorneys can help guide and advise you through the process
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