Accidents & Personal Injury Blog

Construction Site Safety in NY

Careers in construction can be rewarding but there is also significant potential for injury. This infographic details common construction accidents of which workers should be aware.

Caution in the work place doesn’t always eliminate injury for construction workers.

Construction Site Safety in NY Infographic
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Title Construction Site Safety in NY
Albany Personal Injury Lawyer
Common Construction Accidents
Risks Are Part of Careers in Construction
Careers in the construction industry can be both lucrative and rewarding But they are not without risk
In fact the construction profession can be quite dangerous
Did You Know
20 of all workplace fatalities
10 of all workplace injuries
Happen on construction sites
Construction workers should stay vigilant to prevent these common workplace hazards
1 Falls
2 Equipment related accidents
3 Collapses
4 ExplosionsFires
If youve suffered a worksite injury its important that you contact an experienced personal injury
attorney to discuss you situation While its common for your employers workers compensation plan to
cover most of your expenses an experienced attorney will ensure that you remain apprised of your
rights and options as you pursue compensation Please contact us for a free consultation at 518
462 5601
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